Highways Technical Manual

This section contains the technical information for highways design. It should be read in conjunction with the other sections of this guide – in particular Streets and Roads and Parking – to provide a full understanding of the relevant design principles for new residential developments.

The overarching aim is to ensure that in new residential and mixed-use environments, the circulation and movement of people is pleasant, convenient, safe, responds to local context and combines with good place-making. Motorised vehicle movement must efficiently service development without predominating, while walking, cycling and the use of public transport must be facilitated and encouraged, taking precedence over private modes of motorised transport. 

Three fundamental objectives stem from this:

  • To discourage inappropriate traffic from travelling through residential areas.
  • To promote very low driver speeds within residential environments.
  • To discourage the use of the private car, particularly for short or local trips.

‘In principle’ layouts will be developed as part of the planning process, which will include input from the Highways and Transport department at Essex County Council and will reference Manual for Streets  as well as ECC guidance. The full access construction details of the site can be finalised with the Highway Authority on this basis.

When proposing a residential layout, developers should attend to all relevant and current documents and guidelines, see https://www.essexhighways.org/adoptions-and-land.

Page updated: 4/03/2025

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