What we expect to see

Purpose of the Code

The Code sets out a vision for the design of individual buildings and collections of buildings, public spaces, streets, and each of their components. The Code outlines strategic principles, design guidelines and parameters for both designers and decision makers to shape the high quality design of buildings and spaces in the district.

The Code will be used by the local planning authority to determine planning applications. The Code sets out key aspirations for design quality and placemaking across Uttlesford. As such the Code will be applied to assess whether a proposal in Uttlesford complies with each section of the code, including context, process and delivery.

There are a number of intended benefits in the creation of a design code:

  1. It will allow decision makers to assess whether a proposal meets the design standards and placemaking qualities of the district-wide and development scale coding sections.
  2. It will provide clear, transparent and consistent guidance and specific design parameters for new development.
  3. It will inspire high standards in design and placemaking.
  4. It will provide certainty in council aspiration for development of varying scales
  5. It will speed up the existing and future approvals process by providing a clear set of parameters for both designers and decision makers to follow.

Who is the Guide for?

The Design Code will inform and guide all development within the district. It is therefore intended to be read by a wide range of stakeholders, however the main groups can be set out as:


The Code is intended to give designers, developers and members of the public applying for planning consent, clear guidance on what is expected of every element of development proposals. It will provide a common language and understanding for what is required and the level of expectation when developing in Uttlesford.

Planning Officers

The Code will be used as a tool by Uttlesford Council planning officers to respond to inform the pre-application and planning application process. The Code will help ensure consistent design advice and rules are provided throughout the stages.

Planning Committee

The Code will also be used to inform Councillors during their decision making at committee, ensuring consistency in decision making.

The code and the planning process

This document aims to support Uttlesford by providing a comprehensive guide to help inspire and guide the delivery of high quality places to live.

The Uttlesford Design Code should be read alongside the National Planning Policy Framework, the Design: Process and Tools National Planning Practice Guidance, the National Design Guide, the Uttlesford Local Plan, any design-related policies contained within a neighbourhood plan (if there is a neighbourhood plan) and any approved masterplans or design codes for the area, settlement or a particular site.

Informed by consultation, research and best practice, this Design code focusses on the principles and outcomes needed to create and enhance high quality places to live and work.

It is intended to inform every stage of the design process, from appraisal of the site through to the submission of a planning application and delivery. Following the principles and requirements will ensure that the design approach meets with the aspirations of the Council and the wider Uttlesford community, providing applicants with the best chance of achieving planning approval.

The Code will site as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that should be referenced by new applications made to the council, which means it will be a material planning consideration that is consistent with existing national and local planning policy.  This Design Code SPD builds upon and provides more detailed advice or guidance to policies in the adopted development plan, the NPPF and National Design Guide.  As this SPD does not form part of the development plan, it cannot introduce new planning policies into the development plan, and therefore reference to ‘requirements’ in the Design Guide (such as through the use of the word ‘must’) are to be treated as guidance providing a strong steer to stakeholders setting out what the Council expects from new development in the District.

The Code forms a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and it should be read in conjunction with the adopted development plan.

Page updated: 20/07/2023

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