Focal linear structure
Linear settlement structures often contain focal areas within the middle of the village. These focal areas are generally community assets but also extend to public realm spaces.
A key characteristic of these settlements is the intimate relationship between the assets at the heart of the development. Their close proximity to one another creates focality within the village aiding legibility and ensuring facilities are well-used.
Structure Characteristics
- Historic linear route
- Settlement grows from focal centre
- Community facilities and public realm act as a central marker for the settlement to grow from
- Junction intersect with these focal uses
- The scale and form of these facilities contributes to the central focality of the space
Analysis of linear focal space
The focal part of the settlement uses scale and form to emphasise the significance of the central space.
Focal Space Characteristics:
- Community assets are immediately visible upon entering the centre
- Assets front the street near the centre
- Public realm compliments the built form and frames key views
Page updated: 20/07/2023