
The guidance in the following sections builds on the district wide design coding and place-based design cues to provide specific advice for varying development scales for residential-led applications.

The content draws attention to the key design considerations the Council will consider when reviewing applications. It should be used as a new benchmark for design quality in Uttlesford and includes rules for location of developments based on their scale and location.

Establishing the development scale should consider the location, context and type of development. Whilst the type of development may be clear at the outset, the scale of development may alter through the design process or engagement with Officers. Applicants should consider all relevant principles and demonstrate how they have positively responded to the requirements. Developers must not circumvent coding by subdividing sites.

Where sites are subdivided, or adjacent sites are in multiple ownerships, it will be expected that each subdivision or smaller site will contribute proportionately to standards (such as open space) and provide any facilities required as a result of the total development site. A summary of the key differentiating factors of each development scale is provided below.

Small Scale Development and Settlement Extensions

Page updated: 20/07/2023

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