Code Vision

Through a landscape and context-led approach, the Uttlesford Design Code sets a new design standard for the district, shaping places that we all want to live, work and visit by delivering a more accessible, sustainable and beautiful development.

This Code sets out a blueprint for the district, protecting all the elements that make it beautiful and distinctive whilst ensuring sustainability for future generations.

Through context-driven approaches, good design shall address local needs and challenges, providing fit for purpose solutions that make it an attractive and distinctive place to be for the people of Uttlesford. The approach to design will drive the importance of mixed uses and facilities, ensuring we enable people to start well, live well and age well in the communities in which they live. New buildings and places will reflect the distinctiveness of the district, fusing together the unique historic and landscape setting.

Development will look to both the existing and future needs of residents helping to achieve the climate aspirations, support active and sustainable travel modes to create a legacy well into the future.

Informed by consultation, research and best practice, this design code focusses on the outcomes needed to create and enhance high quality places.

The Code Vision contains a series of components to be considered during the design and delivery stages of a project. These Vision components have been informed through the engagement undertaken to create this code and as such reflect the aspirations of local communities on the outcomes of new design in Uttlesford.

Six core design objectives have been identified. These objectives should be considered by all developments when shaping and delivering their proposals.


  • Adaptable and Resilient: proposals will respond to the climate emergency, delivering designs that are adaptable to changing socioeconomic and environmental challenges.
  • Built to Last: buildings and places will be robustly designed to create a legacy that lasts.
  • Healthy Places: create places that support and encourage healthy lifestyles for all age groups.

Aspirational and Innovative

  • Embrace New Ideas: designs in Uttlesford will embrace new ideas and approaches, delivering efficient, sustainable and useable buildings for all.
  • Innovation: Encouraging developers to think innovatively and ensure developments are sustainable and future-proofed without a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to design

Landscape-led and Biodiverse

  • Lead with Landscape: public spaces and landscape design will be a primary consideration in Uttlesford creating buildings that positively address streets and spaces that positively frame buildings.
  • Protect and Enhance the Environment: all designs will respond positively to their environmental context by enhancing opportunities for active use of the environment and ensuring environmentally sensitive areas are protected or enhanced where possible.

Sustainable and Connected

  • Connected Neighbourhoods: places will be designed to make people want to move by providing safe, attractive, fun and well-proportioned streets, as well as delivering a sustainable mix of uses.
  • Promote Sustainable Movement: buildings and places will be designed in way that makes walking, cycling and public transport the most attractive option to make, whether it be a short trip to the shops or a commute into neighbouring centres.

Vibrant and Locally Distinctive

  • Respond to Place: proposals will respond to the historic and contemporary character of its place, delivering designs that complement and enhance their context in a creative and innovative way.
  • Build Beautiful: the design of new buildings and spaces will contribute to the beauty of Uttlesford, delivering places and buildings that their community can be proud of.


  • Design Together: designs will be a collaborative endeavour, with the community engaged in shaping emerging proposals.
  • Safe and Inclusive: proposals will create buildings, places and streets that can be used by everyone.
  • Encourage a Mix: proposals will deliver a sustainable mix of land uses activating, enlivening and enhancing places.

Page updated: 20/07/2023

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