What are the characteristics of places we feel safe or unsafe in?
Following this advice, there are a number of questions that developers can ask themselves upon producing a development proposal to assess whether it is safe and inclusive for women and girls. These questions are as follows:
- Has the gender perspective been considered when making decisions?
- Does the proposal feature a considered and human-scaled lighting strategy
- Does the proposal feature blind corners, blank walls, short sightlines, or other hindrances to visual permeability?
- Do buildings front onto movement networks and public spaces in an uninterrupted manner in order to create natural surveillance?
- Does the proposal feature maintenance strategies that are effective in the short term whilst also accounting for the periods after the maintenance contract expires?
- Does the proposal feature generous, permeable, and legible pedestrian network that considers the diverse needs of different user groups?
- Are streetscapes well enclosed by tree planting and contextually appropriate building heights?
- Are public transport stops located in areas that are well connected, visible, and active?
- Is high-quality, efficient, safe, and secure cycling infrastructure provided?
- Will the proposal generate footfall to activate spaces and offer passive surveillance?
- Are play spaces diverse, multifunctional, and difficult for one group to dominate?
- Do public spaces offer plentiful seating and permeable entrance/exit options?
Page updated: 29/06/2023