Traffic and Transport
Proposals will be required to demonstrate that the local and strategic highway network will be able to accommodate the type and number of vehicle movements during the construction and operation phases of the site. In addition, proposals will need to demonstrate that both the site access and vehicle movements to and from the site will have no adverse impacts on highway safety, including cyclists and pedestrians. Offsite mitigation may be required to improve the highway network to accommodate trips by cycling, walking and public transport and to ensure that the network is suitable for the expected level of construction traffic. As such, applications should be accompanied by a detailed Transport Assessment and Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). Applicants are also encouraged to engage with Essex Highways as part of their pre-application discussions. The site should be located to enable trips to be made by cycling. walking and public transport, particularly during the construction period. A Travel Plan will also be required to promote the use of sustainable modes of travel and monitor the effectiveness of the Travel Plan measures and incentives. Any proposal requiring temporary construction compounds will be required to include details of their size, location, forecast traffic movements and their proposed restoration post construction phase. Any proposed temporary construction compound should be carefully located in order to minimise environmental or amenity impact. Site access tracks to the solar farm should be minimised to better enable the site to be restored at the end of the project.
Page updated: 27/06/2022