Site Selection and Agri-Environmental Practices

Planning Practice Guidance (PPG): Planning for renewable and low carbon energy states ‘Particular factors a local planning authority will need to consider include: encouraging the effective use of land by focussing large scale solar farms on previously developed and non-agricultural land, provided that it is not of high environmental value’ [10].  Solar farms should initially be sought to be sited on brownfield, non-agricultural land that is of lower agricultural class (grading of 3b or lower) [11] [12] in order to preserve best and most versatile land for agricultural use. If land is of agricultural use, “the proposal allows for continued agricultural use where applicable and/or encourages biodiversity improvements around arrays” where possible MHCLG (2015) [13]. Sustainable land use practices along with low intensity sheep/chickens/geese grazing [14], may improve the agricultural value of degraded land whilst also reducing the need for mechanical site maintenance (removing the need for machinery and vehicles for mowing and ground maintenance). Design considerations will need to allow this and could include sufficient height of panels off ground, buried and secure cabling, secure fencing which is also sympathetic to the character of the area and minimising visual impacts. These practices should complement biodiversity net gain [15]; The introduction of livestock should only be at low intensities in order to prevent damage to soil through compaction, potentially causing drainage problems, as well as destroying vegetation onsite through trampling and reversing biodiversity benefits. As such it is advisable to seek further site-specific sustainable management advice and may include landowner agreements and agreed agrarian practice and planning conditions to ensure that the continuing agricultural practices are implemented.

[10] MHCLG (2015) Planning practice guidance for renewable and low carbon energy

[11] MHCLG (2015) Planning practice guidance for renewable and low carbon energy

[12] BRE (2013) Planning Guidance for the Development of Large Scale Ground Mounted Solar PV Systems.

[13] MHCLG (2015) Planning practice guidance for renewable and low carbon energy

[14] BRE (2013) Planning Guidance for the Development of Large Scale Ground Mounted Solar PV Systems.

[15]> BRE (2014) Biodiversity Guidance for Solar Developments. Eds G E Parker and L Greene.

Page updated: 27/06/2022

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