Designated and Non-Designated Heritage Assets

Any solar farm proposal should consider its impact on both designated and non-designated heritage assets and their setting in accordance with National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), paragraph 194. The Essex Historic Environment Record should be the primary source for assessment of archaeological potential assessing the character, significance and extent of archaeological remains. A detailed heritage survey should be undertaken to guide the site selection and site design process having regard to listed buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAM), Registered Parks and Gardens, historic landscapes, Conservation Areas or any other heritage assets located within, immediately adjacent or in the wider setting of the site.

Any application should be accompanied by a robust Heritage Statement (HS) which considers the level of impact resulting from the proposal on the significance of all designated and non-designated heritage assets. It should implement the staged approach outlined in Historic England - Statements of Heritage Significance: Analysing Significance in Heritage Assets (Historic England Advice Note 12) and include a full discussion of the form, materials and history of any affected heritage asset and an understanding of their significance, and in particular the contribution to significance made by the asset’s setting. The analysis of the setting should use the guidance in Historic England - The Setting of Heritage Assets Planning Note 3 (Second Edition). The aspects of setting should be expressed in terms of views but also within the wider definition contained in the NPPF, Glossary, page 71.

Any application should be informed by a proportionate archaeological assessment based on the importance of the site and may be desk based or require site investigation. New sites of archaeological importance should be afforded appropriate protection and, where possible, retained in situ. Where archaeological potential is identified but there is no overriding case for any remains to be preserved in situ, development which would destroy or disturb potential remains will be permitted, subject to conditions ensuring an appropriate programme of archaeological investigation, recording, reporting and archiving prior to development commencing.

Page updated: 27/06/2022

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