Planning Application Process

The planning application process for new schools will involve early discussions with the Local Planning Authority where school provision and locations should be included within the individual LA local plans and potential subsequent masterplans for the larger development sites and the garden communities. Early engagement in the Local Plan and master planning process can ensure that the educational facilities are provided in the right locations and appropriately integrated.

Planning Stages

  1. Carry out a check with the local planning authority in the first instance to determine any policy requirements for the site; for County schemes and pre-application discussions contact for any specific constraints and requirements.
  2. Carry out a check, which can be done with Essex Historic Environment Record for the existence of Scheduled monuments, Listed Buildings, Conservation areas and Archaeological sites.
  3. Carry out a check with local planning authority for the existence of protected trees and any other environmental constraints.
  4. Undertake a pre application meeting with the Local Planning Authority, either by contacting for County schemes or the relevant Local Planning Authority.
  5. Review the updated Developer Contributions Guidance for developer contributions and requirements
  6. Review the requirements for national and local validation requirements for County Council (Regulation 3) planning applications.

Page updated: 11/09/2019

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