Strategic sites (and new settlements)
Early engagement is necessary and encouraged when LPAs and others are planning for new large-scale development sites. Across the county of Essex there is considerable development pressure to provide development sites to meet predicted housing and commercial/business need. Early engagement is important so that LPAs can understand whether new infrastructure is required, where it is best located and whether or not masterplans should be identifying or safeguarding land to located it. The Essex Growth and Infrastructure Framework (GIF) draws together the planned population, housing and economic growth of Greater Essex. MNOs should take a proactive approach to discussing these future development sites with both the individual LPAs and Essex County Council.
Particularly in this context, but also with smaller developments, it is highly advisable for MNOs to secure consents for telecommunications infrastructure and equipment early and in advance of other development coming forward and being built out.
Page updated: 20/12/2021