MNOs Pre-Application Checklist
1) Justification of need
Does the application appropriately communicate the need for the new infrastructure and type of equipment specified?
NB: with an understanding that most applications are Permitted Development.
2) Site selection
Have alternative sites been reviewed? If so, please submit this information and the justification behind the preferred site selection. If not, please submit a detailed narrative regarding the site selection process and why the preferred site has been chosen.
Have you communicated the site selection process using environmental baseline data?
Have you explained the methodology for site selection?
3) Baseline environmental data
Have you undertaken a Landscape visual impact report? (If, yes please share this report with the LPA, if no, then provide a justification for not including this analysis.)
Have you undertaken an Historic Environment Record (HER) site search? (If, yes please share this report with the LPA, if no, then provide a justification for not including this analysis.)
If the selected site was in a habitat / species sensitive area, have you undertaken an ecological site survey? (If, yes please share this report with the LPA, if no, then provide a justification for not including this analysis.)
4) Mitigation
Have negative impacts been identified? If so, you need to submit a mitigation strategy to overcome any negative impacts? (If, yes please share this report with the LPA, if no, then provide a justification for not including this analysis, linked to the findings of the baseline environmental data.)
5) Proposed infrastructure
Have you explored mast sharing?
Is the proposed infrastructure located and designed to minimise visual impact?
Have you explored any alternative design options for the specification of the infrastructure? (I.e. colour)
6) Management and maintenance
Have you undertaken a pre application meeting?
Have you explored all weather site access?
Have you reviewed alternative boundary/security fences?
If applicable, have you considered landscape planting to surround the site to mitigate visual impact?
7) Planning process
Have you undertaken a pre application meeting?
Have you submitted a planning statement to the LPA in accordance with the guidance?
Have you submitted any baseline environmental reports, methodology and site selection analysis (if undertaken) to the LPA?
Have you undertaken any stakeholder engagement? If yes, please share findings with the LPA?
Page updated: 2/02/2022