Process and Method

Using the Healthy Places Guidance (2019) (which incorporates this new HIA guidance), the developer completes an HIA for submission to the LPA at the pre-app stage (the timing of this submission will vary depending on the local protocol). HIAs will be reviewed by the Public Health Practitioner (PHP) working within the LPA (this is subject to change) and feedback and guidance provided to the case officer.

Applications where the PHP assesses that elements of the HIA findings are unacceptable will be reviewed by Public Health at ECC and advice provided to the applicant/case officer by Public Health on mitigation/enhancement. This mitigation may include the removal of the unintended consequence or measures to mitigate against this identified issues through appropriate planning obligations or amendments to the development proposals which may include resubmission of an HIA.

Stage 1: Livewell Design Award

At this stage, developers are assessed on how they have embedded healthy design principles into their emerging schemes which are identified through the Health Impact Assessment or the Healthy Places Checklist submitted at the preapp stage. However, eligible schemes will receive this award after approval of planning permission and completing a Health Impact Assessment which is assessed as positive. This will be issued through an informative on the decision notice issued by Development Management notifying that the scheme is suitable to receive a Livewell Design Award and to contact the Local Authority to receive this award.

Stage 2: Livewell Development Accreditation

At a later agreed stage, the applicant will be expected to submit schemes for onsite review and review by the Essex Quality Review Panel. If the applicant can demonstrate that health and wellbeing is being supported, a subsequent accreditation of Livewell Development rather than Livewell Design Award will be awarded at either bronze, silver or gold level subject to approval by the Essex Quality Review Panel. This will be assessed against the categories listed within the Livewell Development Guidance document. The panel may give further recommendations for ongoing monitoring and evaluation for healthy lifestyle impact.


Page updated: 29/10/2019

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