Principle 2: Site Services and Facilities

As for any other kind of accommodation, consideration must be given to the infrastructure needed to support Gypsy and Traveller sites so that they meet the needs of residents and support good relations with people living nearby.

Water Supply

Mains water supply suitable for drinking must be provided for each pitch on the site, enough to meet the reasonable demands of residents. Water supplies must comply with current legislation, regulations and British Standards. Water pressure must be enough to enable the use of fire hydrants by the emergency services which should be at a convenient place. Provision of an outside tap on each pitch is required.

Electricity Supply

Mains electricity to each pitch is required, sufficient to meet the requirements of the residents. Separate meterage for each pitch to be provided. Electricity meters to be provided in amenity buildings. Connections must consider caravan hook ups as well as electricity provision for amenity buildings.

Gas Supply

Gas installations, supplies and storage must meet statutory requirements, relevant standards and codes of practice. Storage facilities compliant with health and safety regulations for Liquid Propane Gas cylinders. Developers and managers of sites are advised to seek advice from their local environmental health services regarding storage of gas cylinders. Mains gas supply is recommended for amenity buildings on pitches and, if supplied, must be compliant with current gas installation regulations.

Connection Points

Considerations should be made in providing an additional electricity and water point for each individual pitch. This is to allow for additional trailers through family expansion or to cater for visitors.


Surface water and storm water drainage to be installed to all sites. Drainage to be in accordance with current legislation, regulations and British Standards. Individual pitches to cater for drainage with necessary drainage falls. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) should be considered for dealing with surface water drainage in accordance with the Essex Design Guide – Sustainable Drainage Section.


External lighting must be provided to ensure safe access and movement across the site. Lighting strategy should be considered at an early stage of the project to avoid light pollution and to be coordinated with the movement of accommodation. External lighting to be provided to individual pitches to ensure safe access. Please refer to Street Lighting section for further information.

Recycling & Waste Disposal

Recycling and domestic waste disposal arrangements should be provided for each individual pitch in accordance with local authority requirements. Consideration of site layout should accommodate suitable space for recycling and waste collection vehicles whether this is collected from individual pitches or from communal recycling and waste areas. Depending on Local Authority requirements, provision for recycling collection should be provided onsite or in a neighbouring vicinity.


Each pitch must be connected to a public sewer where possible to do so. Where this is not possible provision for a septic tank must be provided. All sanitation provisions must meet current legislation, regulations and British Standards.

Community Provisions

Larger sites which are isolated from local facilities by either distance or lack of public transport should consider the inclusion of a communal building. This facility can be an important resource to sustain remote communities where opportunity for visits by health visitors, youth workers and education services and well as use by the community and site management.

Communal buildings should include a community room/space, toilet provision and kitchen.

The location of the building should be in a prominent location, ideally to the sites access where it is accessible.

Telephone and Internet

Where sites allow, telephone and internet connections should be considered allowing pitches to connect to existing telephone lines and fibre option connects.

Renewable Energies

Please refer to the Renewable Energies for Developments sections within the Essex Design Guidance and advice from the Building Research Establishment (BRE).

Electric Vehicles

Please refer to the Electric Vehicles sections within the Essex Design Guidance.

Page updated: 11/09/2019

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