Essex Planning and Viability Protocol

The EPOA has developed a protocol between LPA’s and developers that establishes LPA expectations for developer contributions whilst providing a platform to address the issues of development viability.

Essex has planned for a significant increase in both the housing and employment land supply requirements through the new Local Plans. With a culture of developers overpaying for land, there are subsequent issues of affordability and insufficient infrastructure investment that have been addressed. By working with LPA’s and land owners, the objective is to secure better quality and more affordable property, which complements the EPOA investment on improving the Design Guidance.

This work addresses these challenges two-fold;

  • By ensuring resources are available to complete the development of and roll-out the Essex Planning Protocol, a document setting out the key commitments and working relationship between the LPA’s and developers submitting planning applications.
  • Producing a Viability Protocol by working with development interests and the LPA’s and embed good practice to ensure the correct level of development related infrastructure is provided as well as a means to assist the LPAs unlock financial barriers that may hold up the development of housing.

If you would like to be involved in the work, please get in contact and check back to this section of the website for updates.

Page updated: 3/01/2020

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