Engaging with the Emergency Services

Between 180,000 to 250,000 new homes are planned to be developed in all areas of Essex, leading to a population increase of around 400,000 residents from the current 1.7 million that currently reside. Essex Police needs to ensure it can influence crime prevention in all its shapes and forms (physical and digital) in design as well as looking at county wide issues including increases in volume of demand (crime and incidents). Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (ECFRS)  need to understand and respond to any increased risk brought by the additional growth and development will have on their current delivery model and Physical Estate provision. In addition to Building Regulations controls, this growth provides an opportunity to engage with developers with a view to designing out fire/introducing suppression systems at the point of build. Considering the lengthy timescales associated with many of these developments, any financial return associated with a Section 106 or CIL application could take some years to realise. Being able to influence the design of homes and infrastructure can be achieved much sooner if there is early engagement with developers.

By working directly with developers and local planning authorities to influence the design and build of new places, we can collectively make new and existing communities as safe as they can be, delivering real benefits to the residents of Essex as well as those who visit for business or leisure activities.

This new guidance is supported by the 2019 National Planning Policy Framework which legislatively supports the inclusion of community safety within planning and development (see Appendix 3) but also National Crime Prevention Strategy; the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety; the recently published Review into the Grenfell Tower Tragedy; National Planning Policy Framework (Community Safety section especially) and the Future of Essex Vision amongst other key pieces of local and national strategy linked to development.

We see this guidance as an enabler to inform strategic demand and resource allocation/management planning linked to future development and growth.

Key objectives of the collaborative Essex Emergency Services approach include:
  • To create a proactive, consistent and informed, early response to the new demand placed on emergency services that new housing developments will bring.
  • Aligning long term planning aspirations with the demand profiles of Essex Emergency services – applying collaborative and technical solutions where possible including applications around Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy funding.
What the Emergency Services are hoping to achieve and why
  • An agreed consistent and co-ordinated / collaborative emergency services led, evidenced approach to how developer contributions are applied for.
  • Applying a strategic approach to responding – using demographic and demand/risk management intelligence to inform a place-based model
  • To access initial set up costs of revenue and capital prior to precept income for the delivery via council tax contributions.
  • We want to build a proactive, consistent and informed, early response to the new demand placed on emergency services that new Essex growth and developments will bring: 

Project aims, objectives and outcomes:

  • Understanding long term need, trends and where response will be required.
  • Scoping how our current models of delivery that respond to this need.
  • Developing how we align closer with our Emergency and Community based partners.
  • Making the best use of public estate collaborating where beneficial.
  • Feeding into master plans and larger planned developments at the early stages.
  • Working with councils and developers for a joint approach to what our needs would be early and aligning to long term strategy development.
  • Mirroring public health approach of developing key principles that can be fed into early master planning for emergency services provision
  • Adhering to National Planning Policy Framework (updated June 19 – Promoting healthy and safer communities)
  • Feed into guidance for developers and planners
  • Build consultative links with Planning authorities
  • Share developing long term strategies and needs for Emergency services provision
  • Building an evidence base for predictive demand and risk
  • Mapping our current provision to identify fit for purpose estate that reflects our changing delivery models.



Page updated: 2/06/2020

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