Floods Information Request
We can also provide information on flood and water management in the form of either basic or detailed requests, as outlined below:
Basic Requests
When you make a basic request, we will provide you with all historic flood incidents relating to your site along with any known watercourse issues in the area.
We will also confirm whether your site falls within a Critical Drainage Area (CDA) and if we have carried out any flood investigations within a 5-mile radius.
Examples of information available through a basic request include:
- Sites at risk of flooding as identified on the Essex County Council flood map
- Surface Water Management Plans (SWMP) for different areas located on the map
- Critical Drainage Areas in Essex
- Records of historic flood incidents
- Information about property flood incidents
- Flood investigations we have conducted
- The types of assets on our asset register
- The types of watercourses in Essex
- Designated assets
Detailed Requests
When you make a detailed request, we will provide you with the above information along with further engineer commentary on that particular request.
To submit a flood information request please follow the link: https://flood.essex.gov.uk/know-your-flood-risk/make-an-information-request/
Page updated: 17/02/2020