Mitch Cooke

Mitch has been working in the environment and sustainability sector for almost 30 years. He is the founding Director of Greengage Environmental, an independent sustainability and environmental consultancy to the built environment, prior to which he set up and ran the Sustainability and Environmental Planning teams at major multi-disciplinary consultancies. He is currently an active member on several Design Review Panes representing sustainability for the council on relevant schemes within the boroughs, a member of the British Property Federation Sustainability Board and member of the RICS Sustainability Board. He advises on incorporation of sustainability in development and regeneration projects, with regards to social value, health and wellbeing and environmental sustainability, looking at future proofing against climate change and creating a healthy and vibrant community. Mitch has been involved in the NHS Healthy New Town programme, most of the large regeneration programmes in the last 20 years and has helped produce guidance on Green Infrastructure, Social Value and Health and Well-being as well as leading the team of experts of sustainability consultants within Greengage.

Page updated: 20/02/2025

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