David Plant

- Architect
- Scene Architects
- BA Hons. PG Dip RIBA ARB
David is a highly experienced, approachable and accomplished RIBA Chartered Architect with a detailed knowledge and understanding of intricate and sensitive approaches to planning policy. He founded Scene Architects Ltd in 2011 and has overseen its development from just a handful of staff into a 20-strong practice with an enviable reputation for design quality and delivery of service.
During a 20-year career in Architecture, David has successfully completed projects throughout the South East, London and the West Midlands. He has worked on large housing schemes, commercial, retail, hospitality and one-off bespoke houses and brings a wealth of experience and leadership to the practice and its growing client base.
David believes strongly in open and collaborative design and in building a team ethos, something that is evident in the structure and culture of the practice. His particular skill lies in talking to clients and planning authorities at the earliest possible stage, exploring innovative design approaches to unlock site potential and secure maximum development value whilst always putting quality of design at the very forefront of the process.
Scene Architect's core business is in the residential sector, but in the broadest possible sense, from one-off high end projects to large scale site master planning and everything in between. A particular area of expertise is the development of housing schemes on brownfield sites. However, David believes strongly in the sustained and steady growth of the practice into other areas and has facilitated this through the targeted acquisition of talented and experienced staff with in-depth knowledge in other sectors, such as education, commercial, sheltered accommodation and care homes. In this way the practice has diversified and developed steadily, offering a wealth of expertise across a range of market sectors whilst retaining its unique and dynamic ethos.
David has always had particularly strong ties to Essex, the county of his birth. Scene Architects has its principal office in Broomfield on the outskirts of Chelmsford and has built a name for itself by demonstrating an in-depth understanding of local design and planning issues.
Page updated: 4/09/2023