Alison Farmer

Alison Farmer is Director of Alison Farmer Associates, a landscape architecture and environmental planning consultancy based in Cambridge. Alison has over 27 years of experience working in landscape character assessment, landscape and visual impact assessment and landscape evaluation, including National Park and AONB designation. Prior to establishing her own practice, she was Head of Protected Landscape and Countryside at Landscape Design Associates (LDA Design).

Alison has worked at a strategic level developing national guidance and engages regularly in the training of others. Working across the board with public and private sectors and with local communities, she seeks to find creative solutions to delivering development which is good for society and which cares for the environment.

Alison has experience in major infrastructure projects, including the M20 Junction 10a on behalf of Ashford Borough Council, and is currently advising the South Downs National Park Authority in relation to improvements to the M3 Junction 9. She is familiar with published guidance including GLVIA (3rd edition) and Design Manual for Roads and Bridges/advice notes. She has worked with CEPA and TRL to advise on landscape performance metrics for Highways England as part of RIS2.

Alison has extensive experience in reviewing and writing LVIAs and in preparing evidence and acting as landscape expert witness at planning inquiries. Alison is a qualified member of the Landscape Institute.

Page updated: 28/02/2022

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