Panel Format

The Panels objective is to encourage high quality design, sustainability, environmental infrastructure and community coherence within the county of Essex.

Each panel will be individually tailored to suit the projects aims and outcomes where panel members will be called upon to reflect the need and requirement of an application.

The panel will be available to all Local Planning Authorities across Essex who would wish to use it, and is expected to be of particular aid for those authorities where quality and design is at the forefront of discussions at pre-app stage or earlier.

Value of Design and Quality

It is evident that well design and high quality places are essential in achieving and attracting people to live, work and play within Essex regardless of political control or authority.

High quality design is essential to

  • Improve quality of life
  • Provide a setting to attract business and encourage job creation and growth
  • Make places accessible no matter the background, age or ability
  • Cut down on anti-social behaviours
  • Provide active design through sustainable methods of transport
  • Utilise green energy and water efficiency through changing climates
  • Provide a quality of space to attract skilled people, investment and visitors

There are many discussions points around how design is prioritised over numerous other considerations that Local Authorities must consider, but design is not just one more objective to be considered, design and quality can influence all of these factors and various stages and can be hugely successful if undertaken correctly.

The reception of well-designed places draws support and is promoted by both local people and businesses.

The value of a Quality Review Panel

The Quality Review Panel is a valuable resource to provide professional feedback to developers, clients and local authorities.

The main aim of a Quality Review Panel is to improve the quality in the built environment. Having the ability to discuss and present to 5 regarded professionals will only benefit and drive both design and quality for an applicant.

The main approach of the panel is to work with the applicant and their team to both push and enhance design and quality within the built environment. The Panel is not a pass or fail process but a constructive discussion in the process and delivery of key development within Essex.

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