Visitor Parking

All residential developments should be designed to include unallocated visitor parking in accordance with the Essex Parking Standards, and this should be distributed evenly across the site. This will help to ensure that inappropriate parking does not occur within the development, hindering walking, cycling and access to the development by vehicles and emergency vehicles.

Location of Parking Spaces

Visitor spaces should be located on or near the road frontage; more flexibility is possible in the location of residents’ spaces. Visitors’ spaces for communal use may be provided by widening the road, with bays, to accommodate a row of cars parallel, at right-angles, or at an angle to the kerb (except on road types A and B, or D within 30m of a junction).

Where spaces are at an angle to the kerb the footway should be widened by 800mm to accommodate vehicle overhang. Such groups of spaces will be adopted, but should be limited in size and number so as not to dominate visually.

A parking square may accommodate a group of visitor parking spaces within the highway domain, as may a turning loop. Other solutions will be considered on their merits.

Page updated: 19/02/2018

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