Layout Details
Key Messages
- Design permeable layouts that connect well with the existing walking and cycle networks within and outside of the development.
- Community facilities and strategic open spaces should be co-located within the layouts of new developments.
- Residential layouts should encourage walking and cycling through the creation of direct routes.
- Covered and secured cycle storage should be located in prominent and accessible locations as part of the design of new homes.
- High-quality communal spaces should be provided with supporting facilities which encourage activity by all users.
- Designing-in flexibility helps to futureproof streets and spaces, enabling technological innovation and adaptation over time.
- All new developments, including homes and shared communal spaces, should be well-connected to digital infrastructure (including high-speed internet) from the outset.
- Nodal points and the core should provide flexible community amenities including workspaces, community centres and pick-up and drop-off locations for online orders, reflecting changing shopping and working habits.
- Sustainable energy systems and supplies should be designed into the layout of developments and homes.
- All dwellings should be designed to cater for all ages and a range of physical and mental abilities, and should be capable of accommodating changes in circumstances over a lifetime.
Key Questions
- Does the layout promote a coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive network of walking and cycling routes suitable for all users, both within and outside the development?
- Does the layout promote the co-location and concentration of key retail, community and open-space uses?
- Are the walking and cycling routes within the layouts safe, well-lit, overlooked, welcoming and attractive, well-maintained, durable and clearly signposted?
- Is secure and covered residential cycle storage provided in a prominent location which encourages cycle use over car use?
- Have private communal spaces been designed to encourage a range of activities to allow all to take part, including activities for all genders, ages and cultures?
- Does the layout enable flexibility and adaptation to allow for future innovation in technological design and changing habits?
- Does the layout of the dwelling enable flexibility and adaption to allow for changes in personal circumstances?
Page updated: 17/02/2020