Planting in Sight-splays

At junctions, the sight-splay can be divided into two visibility zones. The type of planting considered suitable within sight-splays is set out in the following table: 

Planting Zone A Zone B
Existing trees Typically, no trees permitted. However, in exceptional cases trees may be retained. Final decision to be made on-site in consultation with the local Highway Authority and Planning Authority Trees may be retained. Final decision to be made on-site in consultation with the local Highway Authority and Planning Authority
New trees  No trees permitted  Trees may be permitted. The precise location should be agreed with the Highway Authority
Groundcover  Groundcover permitted providing the plants do not generally exceed 600mm in height when mature  As for Zone A

All new trees should be of slender girth when mature and have trunks clear of side-growth to a height of 2.1m, or 2.4m if adjacent to a cycle route. 

Grass is not precluded from the areas of sight-splays, but these areas tend to be small and awkwardly shaped, and consequently expensive to maintain. Trees may be allowed, but the locations shall be agreed on-site with the Highway Authority.

Page updated: 15/02/2018

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