Pedestrian and Cycle Movement

Within new residential areas, pedestrian and cycle movement should be coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive. The walking and cycling network should connect well with the existing network outside of the development and be supported by high-quality signage with distances and times indicated.


Where footways are provided, they should be a minimum of 2m wide. In exceptional circumstances, lesser widths may be considered, albeit only for short lengths on streets of type E and below, where pedestrian flows are like likely to be low.

Footpaths might be omitted a one side the street adjoining green space and on lightly trafficked routes, where pedestrians can easily cross and aren't unreasonably inconvenienced.  It may also be appropriate to widen footpaths in response to high footfalls, to create a sense of space, encourage pedestrian activities or accommodate desire lines.

Pedestrian and Cycle Routes    

The principles of designing for cyclists are outlined in the Streets and Roads section of this guide.

Where shared pedestrian and cycle links are deemed appropriate, they should be a minimum of 3m wide (if the route is shared) or 3.5m wide (if pedestrians and cyclists are separated). Where the link is bounded by a building, wall or fence, it should be widened on that side by 0.5m.

Appropriate visibility should be provided along cycle routes and at junctions and access points.

Where a cycle route crosses a street, a formal or informal crossing should be provided as appropriate. On a street of type E or below, the crossing should be designed as a speed-restraint measure to drivers. This should be achieved by having the surface material of the cycle route continue across the carriageway and the approach to the crossing ramped up similar to a speed table.

Page updated: 15/02/2018

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