Parking Square

These are spaces occurring at intervals within a 20mph network. The number of dwellings served by a parking square will depend on the size of the space, which should not exceed 50m in any direction. No vehicle or pedestrian sight-splays are required at egresses on to the parking square; cycle parking should be designed into the space.

A minimum 6m-wide vehicle-way should traverse the space. The square should be of a tabled form. If this table is to be used as a specific speed-restraint feature, the vehicle-way should change direction across the square.

A junction of routes may occur within the square. In the case of a square without a junction, a central feature can be located in the middle of the vehicle-way, which should be widened to allow traffic to pass on either side. Due to slow speeds, it should not be necessary to provide road markings or signs. As a built feature within a future highway, a developer contribution may be required towards future maintenance of the central feature.

A parking square should be directly fronted by development and a 2m-wide pedestrian margin should be marked out in front.  This demarcation can take the form of a different colour of surfacing and may be protected by bollards or other means.

Car parking may be accommodated in those parts of the square not occupied by the vehicleway or pedestrian margin. A parking square should not be regarded as making up part of the residential parking allocation requirement for the individual dwellings but rather as a mechanism to deliver visitor and unallocated parking for the scheme.  

No windows or doors should open outwards onto a parking square. Similarly, no overflow pipes, single-storey eaves or similar should project over the public area of the parking square.

A special surface in accordance with the Street Materials Guide or other agreed measure is required in order to encourage slow speeds.

The vehicle-way should be demarcated by formed channels in the same material as the wider space. Allowance should be made for overrunning by larger vehicles where bends in the vehicleway are tighter than a 13.6m centreline bend radius.

Parking squares often occupy large areas at key locations within developments. Thought should be given to how the use of these spaces may change as a result of a shift in culture away from the privately owned car, and to what other uses they could be turned for the benefit of the community. Examples of relevant considerations include how autonomous vehicles might navigate the space; the flexibility of the proposed surfacing; the suitability of the site as an area of public space in its own right; and the provision of utility services.

A parking square may be located on a type E or F street.

Page updated: 19/02/2018

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