Appropriate Detailing for the Materials Used
Any detailing used should emphasise the character of the material – and where appropriate, be of a type that has evolved traditionally.
Some common forms of brick detailing:

The solidity of brickwork should be expressed by insetting doors and windows within their openings by at least a half-brick depth, and by using sub-sills.
Openings should have an arch or lintel which appears adequate to carry the load of the brickwork above. A lintel may be picked out in a different material.
The form of the building may be emphasised by string courses, plinths and projections at the eaves. Variations in bond and colour can be used to decorative effect. Corners and openings can be emphasised by quoins and window surrounds in a different colour or material. Rendered or boarded timber-framed buildings should have windows and doors set near the face of the wall to express the thinness of the construction. Painted timber architraves around the openings and pentice board heads will add a similar emphasis.
Buildings of rendered blockwork may follow one of two approaches:
- To reflect the appearance of a rendered timber-frame building, with appropriate detailing (i.e. without exposed brick detailing).
- To appear to be of masonry construction, with suitably heavy windowheads and sills and deep opening reveals. Ashlar false joint markings will further enhance this effect.
Where plain clay tiles are used, roofs must have a pitch of 50°; where roofs are in the range of 35-40°, slates should be used instead – or in the case of single-storey structures and outbuildings, clay pantiles.
Open soffit eaves details are preferable to boxed eaves, which produce a heavy verge that contradicts the expression of the roof plane. Parapetted gables and eaves are possible alternatives.
Page updated: 31/01/2018