Types of Parking

At densities of less than 50 dwellings per hectare, parking for residents should be provided on-plot, on-street or in small rear parking courts.

Dedicated parking spaces for bicycles and, where appropriate, mobility aids (such as mobility scooters), should be provided either within an on-plot garage or in safe and secure communal parking spaces.

Rear parking courts can have allocated or non-allocated spaces; if less than 100% parking is provided, spaces should be non-allocated.

Parking areas should be surfaced in materials which provide suitable access for users of all ages and a range of physical and mental abilities, and should include tree and shrub planting to sub-divide each group of 5 spaces. Such planting should be suitable to its location and climatic conditions, and should have appropriate growth habits.

At densities above 50 dwellings per hectare, one or more of the following car parking arrangements (together with the exceptions stated below) are generally expected:

  • Underground parking
  • Under-deck parking
  • Multi-storey parking (either within block or ‘remote’)
  • Under-croft parking
  • Unallocated on-street parking for visitors and customers, and other short-stay parking or designated disabled parking bays
  • A combination of any of the above

Exceptions to these arrangements may apply for:

  • Schemes with a very low provision of parking (see above)
  • Surface-level parking in a very small area that relates directly to a small cluster of accommodation

Page updated: 7/02/2018

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