Essex Open Legal Advice

The County Council has commissioned Estelle Dehon KC of Cornerstone Barristers to provide open legal advice as part of the body of evidence being established in Essex to support local planning authorities ensure new build development is delivered to a clearly defined ‘net zero’ carbon and energy standard. This is to help alignment with local and national climate targets and deliver the best outcomes for Essex communities. The advice covers the following planning matters:

A) The ability of local planning authorities to set planning policies in their local plans that require development to achieve higher building fabric and energy efficiency standards than the minimum requirements set out in Building Regulations.

B) The ability of local planning authorities to require higher building fabric and energy efficiency standards than Building Regulations on new development proposals coming forward prior to the adoption of local plan policy.

Both pieces of legal advice are ‘open’ and therefore can be published.  Local Planning Authorities and other interested parties are welcome to use the advice and rely on it in public fora, such as local plan examinations and public inquiries.

Key Message: The advice sets out the clear legal justification for local planning authorities to act now and to require new build development to achieve higher building fabric and energy efficiency standards than those set in current or proposed Building Regulations.

A: Open Legal Advice - Energy policy in plans and Building Regulations

The open advice available on the link below establishes the legal justification for for local planning authorities to set planning policies that require new development to achieve higher building fabric and energy efficiency standards than those set out in the national baseline (Building Regulations).  Policies must be justified and evidenced (e.g. Essex Net Zero Evidence).  The advice confirms policies can be expressed using the best practice energy metrics approach (as per the ‘Planning Policy Position for Net Zero Carbon Homes and Buildings in Greater Essex’).   

The open advice published on 28th April 2023, has been updated to address the 13th December 2023 Written Ministerial Statement ‘Planning – Local Energy Efficiency Standards Update’ and incorporate the Salt Cross Judgement of 20th February 2024. 

Essex Open Legal Advice – Energy policy and Building Regulations (Estelle Dehon KC, Cornerstone Barristers, 25 February 2024)

B: Open Legal Advice - Energy policy prior to plan adoption

The open advice on the link below sets out the legal justification for local planning authorities to mandate higher building fabric and energy efficiency standards for new development than current and proposed Building Regulations prior to the adoption of formal local plan policy.

It includes the consideration of the use of Supplementary Planning Documents, Design Guides, Design Codes, other non-statutory local policy statements and draft local plan policies, and the weight applied in decision-taking.  The Advice examines national policy and case law including confirmation that climate change is a mandatory material consideration and local planning authorities must consider the climate impacts of their planning decisions.  

An analysis of Essex policies relevant to climate, energy efficiency and design (as at December 2024) is also included along with bespoke advice for each Essex local planning authority.

Essex Open Legal Advice Part B – Energy policy prior to local plan adoption (Estelle Dehon KC, Cornerstone Barristers, 31 December 2024)

Documents List:

  1. Essex Open Legal Advice A – Energy policy in plans and Building Regulations(Estelle Dehon KC, Cornerstone Barristers, 25 February 2024) 
  1. Essex Open Legal Advice B – Energy policy prior to plan adoption (Estelle Dehon KC, Cornerstone Barristers, 31 December 2024

Page updated: 30/01/2025

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