Essex Net Zero Policy

The Planning Policy Position for Net Zero Carbon Development Homes and Buildings in Greater Essex is available to download here.

The Whole Life Carbon impact of a development is made up of carbon emissions from the operation or use of a home or building, and carbon emissions that are embodied in the materials, processes, and construction of a home or building.

It is important that both sources of emissions are minimised in new homes or buildings to help Essex and the UK, as a whole, mitigate and adapt to climate change and meet climate targets.  There are wider benefits too, for example relating to health and well-being, the energy system, local economy and environment.

The policy position document addresses both types of emissions. 

Net Zero Carbon in Operation

The position document sets out the recommended planning policy for Local Planning Authorities in Greater Essex to embed in their Local Plans (and other associated planning documents) to ensure that all new homes and buildings achieve a consistent, clearly defined, net zero carbon (in operation) standard that aligns with local and national climate targets and delivers high quality, healthy, energy efficient, climate resilient homes and buildings.

The policy is based on robust, sound evidence which is available here.

Embodied Carbon emissions

The position document includes a ‘place holder policy’ for tackling embodied carbon emissions from new build development which is an interim measure to be used in local plan consultations, pending the outputs of the Embodied Carbon Policy Study for Essex. 

The Embodied Carbon Policy Study for Essex is now published and available to view here.  The Essex Authorities are collaboratively working on a consistent planning policy position which takes forward the recommendations of the Study and will update the interim ‘place-holder policy’ in due course.

Page updated: 20/12/2024

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