Essex Net Zero Implementation

This is a resource page containing advice and guidance for applicants and local authority officers on the implementation of the Essex-wide ‘model’ Policy NZ1 published in the ‘Planning Policy Position for Net Zero Carbon Homes and Buildings in Greater Essex’ which is available here

The guidance and supporting documents can be adapted to help implement the equivalent policies embedded in each local authority’s local plan.

The documents referred to below are / will be available to download.  This is a ‘pilot version’ of the resource page which will developed further and added to.       

The Net Zero Implementation and Monitoring Guide (currently under preparation) sets out the step-by-step process to follow when submitting a planning application that must comply with the Net Zero (NZ1) Policy.  All applicable developments will need to demonstrate policy compliance through the submission of an appropriate energy assessment.  For Major development this should be in the form of an Energy Strategy and for Minor development the applicable Essex Net Zero Spreadsheet (listed below) should be submitted.

The Guide sets out the minimum information requirements to be included in an Energy Strategy and signposts other supporting documents explaining where they should be used and how they fit into the process.  

The Guide also clarifies that Certified Passivhaus Classic standard or above is an acceptable alternative route to compliance with net zero policy requirements 1 and 3.  Compliance with policy requirements 2, 4 and 5 (where applicable) would still need to be demonstrated.    

To ensure accurate energy information is provided with planning applications, predictive energy modelling software is expected to be used in the design of developments, which will provide reassurance to local authorities that the energy performance of the design will be achieved in practice.  Current examples of predictive energy modelling software include Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP) or Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Technical Memorandum 54 (TM54).

As an interim measure to support the transition of small / medium developers who may have not yet invested in predictive energy modelling software, the Essex Energy Tool (SAP Conversion) has been developed for use on housing proposals of under 100 dwellings.  This tool can take the outputs of the Building Regulations compliance software (known as SAP – Standard Assessment Procedure) and indicate whether compliance with the policy requirements for space heating demand, total energy use (energy use intensity) and Solar PV generation has been achieved.  The supporting Methodology Report is provided for transparency and information purposes; it includes a useful Executive Summary and sets out in detail how the tool works.  Applicants need only look at the Excel spreadsheet Tool itself if they wish as that contains guidance on how to use it too.  An example SAP calculation printout is provided for information, along with a version of the Tool that includes the worksheets that sit behind it.   

The Renewable Energy Offsetting Framework is a guidance document that supports the implementation of the Renewable Energy Offsetting Mechanism element of Requirement 4 of Policy NZ1 (or equivalent in Essex Authorities’ Local Plans). The document sets out the process for calculating an Energy Offset Contribution where it is justifiably triggered and outlines how the contribution will be used to deliver the ‘missing’ renewable energy generation elsewhere.  For situations where the Essex Energy Tool (SAP Conversion) is being used then the tool outputs can help inform the calculation.

Minor Developments

For residential minor development proposals (under 10 dwellings), applicants can choose to follow the ‘minimum standards approach’ which sets out the fabric and systems specifications that the development must be designed and built to (see specifications listed in Appendix C of Report 2: Essex Net Zero Policy – Summary of policy, evidence and validation requirements, July 2023).

By following this approach (i.e. without an energy model or use of the Essex Energy Tool), minor applications do not have to report the space heating demand, energy use intensity or offset contribution but they do need to re-confirm on completion the specifications that the development has been built to and the solar photovoltaic system installed.  They should complete and submit the Essex Net Zero Spreadsheet 1. 

For residential minor development proposals (under 10 dwellings), which have chosen to use a predictive energy model or the Essex Energy Tool, then Essex Net Zero Spreadsheet 2 should be completed and submitted. 

Page updated: 7/01/2025

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