Net Zero Evidence

This page brings together the evidence available to support the development of ‘net zero’ planning policies in local plans in Essex. 

The evidence produced for Essex provides the basis for a consistent policy approach towards Net Zero Carbon in operation for residential and non-residential development. The ‘Planning Policy Position for Net Zero Carbon Homes and Buildings in Greater Essex’ is available here.

The evidence base defines net zero carbon development in a way which delivers net zero immediately, aligns with our climate targets, and reflects the approach taken by front runner authorities in England and leading industry-led initiatives.  

Building to the recommended net zero carbon (in operation) standard in Essex is shown in our evidence to be technically feasible, financially viable and legally justified. 

The Evidence Documents are listed below. 

We will continue to build our evidence to help support and demonstrate the deliverability of net zero carbon development in Essex. 

The Embodied Carbon Policy Study for Essex, published in June 2024 is available to view here.

The study provides the technical evidence base and cost analysis to support a recommended policy approach towards minimising carbon emissions that are embodied in the materials and construction of new homes and buildings.

A new main document and a supporting document suggesting how Essex Net Zero specifications might be produced are now available. These have been produced to assist with the delivery of achieving net zero homes according to the Essex Net Zero Policy Position and can be found here

To support the delivery of net zero carbon homes, Essex Planning Officers Association has launched a campaign ‘Stamp it out!’ to push for the removal of Stamp Duty on all new net zero carbon homes, with the aim of stimulating and accelerating delivery before net zero planning policies are in place. The letter sent to the Government can be viewed here.  Other local authorities and the East of England Local Government Association have already joined the campaign, and there is interest nationally too. 

If you would like to join the campaign, then please feel free to use the letter as a template and let us know your actions via  

Evidence Documents List:

Essex Open Legal Advice – Energy policy and Building Regulations (Estelle Dehon KC, Cornerstone Barristers, 25 February 2024)

Essex Net Zero Policy Study (Reports 1 and 2) (Introba, Etude, Currie & Brown, July 2023)

Net Zero Carbon Viability and Toolkit Study’ (Report of Findings - August 2022)’ prepared by Three Dragons, Qoda and Ward Williams Associates. 

‘Essex Embodied Carbon Policy Study’– technical evidence base (Levitt Bernstein, Etude, Introba, Hawkins/Brown, Currie & Brown, June 2024)

Essex Net Zero Specifications – Specification Guidance (Introba, Currie & Brown, Etude, Levitt Bernstein July 2024) 

Page updated: 20/12/2024

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