Costs and Savings

Energy Saving Trust can provide estimates on costs and savings for different energy efficiency measures, including insulation in different areas of a building.

The Energy Saving Trust regularly provides updates on what grants and loans are available. They have also compiled a list of energy efficiency tips that can be achieved on a budget: Energy saving on a budget

It is important to remember that the cost of retrofitting of a building varies, based on a number of factors:

  1. Existing state of the building - for example, if remedial or repair work needs to be carried out first
  2. Scale of the building - if the building is a detached house, semi-detached house, mid-terrace house or detached bungalow
  3. Materials being used - whilst the cost of materials can change drastically, materials must be chosen based on what is compatible for the building. This will avoid costly repair and remedial works in the future
  4. Cost of labour - whilst the cost of labour can vary, when working with traditional buildings, all contractors should ideally have experience working with similar types of buildings.
  5. The amount of energy efficiency measures being proposed
    • The more measures being proposed, the higher the cost
    • A step-by-step approach may be a better option for those on a budget wanting to spread the cost. However, if this is the case it is important to inform the contractor that this is the long-term plan, as it may change the installation. For example, internal insulation will need to have allowances for connections across the threshold.

When dealing with historic and traditional buildings there may be a need to consult specialists as well as use more bespoke products which should be factored into costing. The requirement to obtain permissions and consent will also have an associated cost to be considered.

Page updated: 26/05/2023

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