Climate Change

The Climate Change Commission seeks to publish a set of project outcomes which will drive forward a change in approach to the way we plan, deliver and manage our new and existing communities.  

Currently within the Essex Design Guide, there are a series of sections which make reference to climate change either as part of a specific intervention or as recommended best practice. For Local Planning Authorities in Essex, the Essex Design Guide can be used to address these topic areas.

These current themes include:

  • SuDS & the Essex SuDS Design Guide - Design permeable layouts that connect well with the existing walking and cycle networks within and outside of the development.
  • Layout - Design permeable layouts that connect well with the existing walking and cycle networks within and outside of the development.
  • Influences Upon Sustainability - The purpose of this guidance is to help deliver high-quality sustainable development which integrates innovation in design.
  • Renewable Energy for Developments - With technological advances come opportunities to integrate renewable energy systems into developments, increasing the sustainability of homes, reducing the pressure on fossil-fuel provisions and cutting running costs.
  • Electric Vehicles - A ban on the sale of diesel and petrol vehicles is expected to come into force in 2040, so it is important to ensure drivers can easily switch and make use of alternative fuel vehicles.
  • Densities for Sustainable Developments - The existence of a substantial and compact residential and business community within easy walking distance of an urban or neighbourhood centre is the principal platform for sustainable development.
  • Housing Layout & Design – Plots & Internal Spaces - Designers, developers and housebuilders often seek to create dwellings with a certain stereotypical inhabitant in mind, but this should be avoided. The designs of dwellings should be equally appealing to all users.
  • Movement - A  well-connected urban environment consists of shared, multi-functional spaces which have convenient and integrated routes for pedestrians, cyclists, cars and public transport – and which are therefore more able to support a range of viable travel options.
  • Mixed Uses - Urban development should, wherever feasible, enable mixed uses to take hold and flourish. Much depends upon detailed design, but location on a permeable and accessible street network and close proximity to a compact residential community is often critical.
  • Landscape and Green Spaces - Green development is more sustainable and delivers important environmental, social, health and economic benefits. Green space can be used as a community resource and provides recreational benefits, aids social cohesion, improves quality of life and increases property values. Trees and plants contribute to tackling climate change as well as providing habitats for different species.
  • Solar orientation - Natural light makes dwellings more attractive, pleasant and energy-efficient. Housing layouts should be designed to maximise daylight and sunlight while taking into account other factors, such as privacy and the attractiveness of the wider streetscape.

Page updated: 20/12/2024

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